Sunday, November 13, 2011


It isn't free. That's what were told. This is true in the context that it's used, men and woman are shipped overseas to fight a primitive enemy that most of us will never see, for reasons we are told are valiant and honorable. Just what are they fighting for? I hear all the time that people that protest military action aren't honoring the fighting men and woman who fight to give them the right to protest but is this really what a person would lay down their life? So people can OCCUPY wall street? Gay pride parades, Right to life organizations? even civil rights? If I were ever in a foxhole having this conversation "why we fight" I don't think that any of these subjects would ever even cross my mind. My beautiful Grandpa whom I barely knew fought the Nazi's. From Belgium into Berlin, The national socialist party which morphed into the Nazi's as we know now from history wanted a new world order, one filled with super Aryans, a genetically superior race that shamed all "Lesser" races. This was an obvious enemy, a clear and present danger as it were. Today the image of America's enemy is diluted and obscure, the populous is suspicious of the Government at large, due in large part to their mishandling of.. well mostly everything! the public is tired, worn, beaten down and disenfranchised; and there is freedom but it's essence is missing... Is is nationalism? Multiculturalism? Most people would probably have a different explanation of what it actually is and frankly who could blame them. For me one aspect of freedom which may sound silly to some of you is the ability to drive across state lines unhindered.. Travel and adventure to me is a part of freedom. As far as the internal mechanics of freedom, I don't know too much about that, you could say I'm still searching and I refuse to accept other's definitions for it unless of course I could learn a bit through their perception.

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