Friday, July 11, 2008

What's the deal with destiny

I read an article recently, the writer said that he had preached a message about destiny and received a rebuke from one of his attendees, He stated that we as humans tend to focus on where we are going or what we need or are going to be instead of looking at who God is and His greatness toward us. I was thinking about that tonight watching hellboy 2 one of the characters looked into his eyes and said that he would be the one to put an end to this world, this made me think of myself and how I always attempt to mirror all my life's movements to what I have in my mind what I'm to do with my life. When the simple truth is how in the world could I really know? I just happened to turn to prov 16 The preparations of the heart belong to man but the answer f the tongue is from the Lord 2 all the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes but the lord weighs the spirits 3 Commit your works to the lord and your thoughts will be established 4 The Lord has made all for himself Yes, even thew wicked for the day of doom. How's that for perspective. Now If I'm to take anything in the bible literally I think that this would be a good one. The language is so clear and precise, it speaks directly to our desire to make something of ourselves, to pursue our destiny instead of the destiny maker. There was this saying that was making it's way around the body when I was in college "seek his face and not his hand" or "seek the maker not what he's made". It's simple but true. I've gone the way of Cain and murdered God's intention for my life Abel. The path of life is the path of the Cross trust in our father, living the life that makes him proud not what makes Joel Osteen smile. (no offense pal). It makes sense that I walked in circles for 10 years, why I sought for a sign in the desert, I was looking for a destiny not the destiny maker, I lived off words given to me when I was 14 or 15 and I don't know how those are going to come to pass. Neither do you so stop looking to the sky and start listening to the small voice whispering mysteries in your heart.

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