Friday, July 11, 2008

What's the deal with destiny

I read an article recently, the writer said that he had preached a message about destiny and received a rebuke from one of his attendees, He stated that we as humans tend to focus on where we are going or what we need or are going to be instead of looking at who God is and His greatness toward us. I was thinking about that tonight watching hellboy 2 one of the characters looked into his eyes and said that he would be the one to put an end to this world, this made me think of myself and how I always attempt to mirror all my life's movements to what I have in my mind what I'm to do with my life. When the simple truth is how in the world could I really know? I just happened to turn to prov 16 The preparations of the heart belong to man but the answer f the tongue is from the Lord 2 all the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes but the lord weighs the spirits 3 Commit your works to the lord and your thoughts will be established 4 The Lord has made all for himself Yes, even thew wicked for the day of doom. How's that for perspective. Now If I'm to take anything in the bible literally I think that this would be a good one. The language is so clear and precise, it speaks directly to our desire to make something of ourselves, to pursue our destiny instead of the destiny maker. There was this saying that was making it's way around the body when I was in college "seek his face and not his hand" or "seek the maker not what he's made". It's simple but true. I've gone the way of Cain and murdered God's intention for my life Abel. The path of life is the path of the Cross trust in our father, living the life that makes him proud not what makes Joel Osteen smile. (no offense pal). It makes sense that I walked in circles for 10 years, why I sought for a sign in the desert, I was looking for a destiny not the destiny maker, I lived off words given to me when I was 14 or 15 and I don't know how those are going to come to pass. Neither do you so stop looking to the sky and start listening to the small voice whispering mysteries in your heart.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What Do We Want

I keep having this thought churn in me. What do I want when I call on God, especially when it comes to being a part of the body of Christ, i can’t help but think of us as a whole when i think of myself, I think what does God want and what do i want. Ive seen God really move in allot of services, my time at CFNI, Parchman State penintentary, Morning star (trinity), Anacortes First Assembly, Family Prayer Center Rehab, various other meetings and now LIFE! in Missouri.. It seems at the majority of these places at least for a time everyone wanted the same thing. Jesus. To come. To invade our lives, blow the limitations off our thinking, crush unbelief, free us from our bondages. Some of these were long lasting like CFNI, I swear we, meaning the group that was there were under a special anointing or something because it was explosion in almost every meeting. At the family prayer center I have never learned more about God directly from God then any other time in my life it was a truly divine separated time for me, God said you’ve lived a worthy life, but now your mine, just mine. Ive never had that experience before God separating the wheat from the chaff like that, showing me things that for 29 years of my short life I had been blind to, things about me, my family, my ancestry and my future. Now here I am churning because God is telling me this really simple thing over and over again "what do you think it takes for me to come?" There are so many opinions of what that entails, I know Some folks of would say "discipleship, God didn’t ask for believers, but for disciples" but I know where that leads. Chains. Others would say fasting and prayer! "You have to fast to really lose the bonds and that brings change!" I also know where that leads. Chains. Of course none of these things as well as other great practices are evil, just like a knife isn’t evil just because you stab someone with it. As everything in our life it’s the heart that determines the out come. I used to say to people back in my fundamentalist days "the heart is deceitfully wicked above all things who can know it!" Which of course is a reference out of Jeremiah, I loved to say that! it made me feel all righteous and holy, plus I put people in their place and made them feel bad about themselves, which is exactly what I wanted because that’s how i felt. Wicked, unworthy of God’s presence taking residence on the inside of me, so why should i let someone else get away with being happy with themselves when I wasn’t. I know it terrible but that’s who I was and in some area’s still am, the difference between then and now is that I recognize it doesn’t matter, I can’t make myself better EVER! What can I do though? This is the key (to me) I want God to come. No matter what, more than anything beyond anyone’s opinion of what it takes I could give a rat’s fat crack.
I’m telling you there’s no other way. God goes where he’s invited, in the way that he shows YOU he wants you to invite his presence, don’t ask your (disciple r) counselor, pastor, friend or wife. Ask God what he wants you to do, you seek him with all your heart and you will get your answer, it might not be what your looking for but I promise when he shows his glory you won’t care. Having God speak directly to you with out someone laying hands on you, having him point directly to what he wants to go in your life and then tells you to cast it out, to deal with it and you do, then it leaves and never comes back! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!! That actually happens!?? Yes my friend what we have inside of us is the same power Jesus had as he walked this red soil. There are things I cannot speak of at this time (not because im being secretive) but because I don’t have the full picture yet, things that are coming.. I know for a fact to the region I’m in now but maybe the US that are going to change the landscape, America will not be the same, this isn’t hype guys I speak more solemnly then I ever have in my life, Alanna and I are going to be a part of it just a voice among a million others.. These are really exciting times, I speak of lasting change my friends, things this world has never seen. I want it to happen all over this nation (As I know That Alanna and I are called to America) I also know that it won’t. There are quite a few people that like thing just the way that they are and they don’t want God to come in power, power puts us in our place. They see this power as encroachment on there plans. Plans to build effaces to their own accomplishment, courts of praise for there own efforts and outreach for fame. Wanting this Isn’t about selling all you have and moving into a cave to fast nonstop and poop in a bucket. It means Inviting what ever God has for us. It sounds simple because it is simple. Watch out for the pharisee that want to entrap you in the way that they do things. God is wild, dangerous, untameable and best of all good. He won’t be told what to do. He’ll just keep on moving. Come, Please Come.

What do we want.

Love and Freedom

Thursday, March 27, 2008

I believe I ordered the large Cappuccino? But who will fill it?

Working for the coffee mastermind I am privy to all of the changes just a little bit before everyone else, I won't bore you with all of the changes but there are allot! Schultz has announced at least 10 "Transformation Agendas". Out of all these agendas being announced I can't figure out which one of these is going improve my life at work? It's now all about me but I have to think about myself. There is one. I have a certain Internet service at home that I can now use at Starbucks which is nice but so far all the changes are going to create more work for us, more time on my feet and no more pay in my bank account. I think it's unfair. That's my bottom line.